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Mend Beko Washing Machines

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Find out how to mend Beko washing machines

Mend > Washing Machines

Mend Beko Washing Wont Drain

Washing machine runs then won't drain ?

Help!!! My beko washing machine just over a year old so warranty run out :(
It will run a cycle then when it stops clothes are still wet so it's not draining also the timer goes from 2 mins left then will jump back up to ten mins I have already reset the machine any ideas ?

January 2013
the pump is the only part that makes it drain, check the filter for blockage, also ckeck that the pump impellar is not obstructed, if problem persists there could be a blockage in the sump or emptying hoses

keymatic irl.
January 2013
Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
Find out how to mend Beko washing machines

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Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
Find out how to mend Beko washing machines