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Mend Home Alarm Systems

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Mend > Home Alarm Systems

Mend Response Low Battery

Response low battery warning?

The low battery warning led if flashing on the control panel but I don't know which battery and where,i presume there's batteries in all the units but it doesn't indicate which one.
Any ideas thanks

December 2012
lol u got shot down here for giving advice.

December 2012
As said you need to change a battery, preferably all of them as they will all be going at about the same time, especially the ones in the most used rooms.

So start there and do not use rechargeable s, they have not got the capacity needed.

December 2012
See, as I said, he knows nothing.


especially on a wireless system you'll always find it best to change all the batteries at the same time. Don't forget to date them.

December 2012
Why we know it's a friedland and it's wireless,

Kev, check your PIR's, do any have a flashing led?,

The PIR's on them will flash if it's battery is low,probably worth replacing each battery in turn as they will drop off one by one.

If I have jumped the gun and auto assumed it a friedland then you know what to do as Kash appears to know it all,

Don't forget door contacts too,

There's a backup battery inside the control panel and the outside sounder as well but I would start with PIR's and door contacts.

If you find yourself having to replace the control panels backup battery then remove mains power first.

e manno
December 2012
he did tell you the make,its a cheap panel

December 2012
you need to tell us the make of the alarm and if its wireless. if its not wireless then it will be the battery in the main panel

December 2012
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