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Mend Kodak Printer Red Printing

How can i fix this?

kodak ESP5 printer red colour not printing all other colours ok

A Neale
September 2012
Could be dust. Try blowing through with a hairdryer -- the paper feed, the ink cartridge area and also where the printed pages come out.

October 2021
My Kodak ESP C110 PRINTER has a red screen with the error code 3528 on it This code is for a "paper jam", not an ink problem. There is NO paper in it. The mechanism is 'jammed', but I can rotate everything by hand, whereupon, on switch on again, (I aint really daft) everything runs back and says 'Paper jam', again. How do I get inside it to find if it is electronic or mechanical? Anyway the thing is on its way to the dump, soon.

Ian Johnson. (retired missile engineer)
September 2012
My Kodak ESPC110 printer has ERROR CODE 3528 ON A RED SCREEN. The shop receipt has been lost, so Kodak are less than helpful. THERE IS NO PAPER ANYWHERE NEAR IT, LET ALONE INSIDE IT. Short of a hacksaw, or a hammer and chisel, how can I get inside it? Please?

Ian Johnson (77 years old missile engineer, retired)
September 2012
print head problem. Not sure about your model, but. basically 2 types. HP has print heads as part of the cartridge. a lot of others have print head seperate. With HP change a cartridge, you get a new print head. with others, change the cartridge, you are just adding a supply of ink. AS no red, (Magenta catridge) PLUS.
You have a problem with the print head. It needs to be cleaned. 1st is to run your printers dedicated cleaning process. IF that fails. very difficult.
You could get some head flush from one of the refill co's fill the empty cartridge with that, and then print, use a clean head function, to try and get the head clear. IF that fails. New printer.

September 2012

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