I don't find anything about any avidav COMPUTER! I found some stuff about avidav monitors.
Check that it's properly connected to an electric outlet. Make sure that the power cable is in good condition.
Check that there is a cable going from the video output of the computer to the apprpriate connector of the monitor. Make sure that the video cable is intact.
It may be a blown fuse. In this case, you'll need to open the monitor's case to find and replace that fuse.
Some avidav monitors use an external power supply. If that's the case of your's, make sure that the whire from the power supply and the monitor is intact. Also, look at the plug at the end of the cable and the connector on the monitor to make sure that they are intact and free of any foreing material. make sure that the power supply do work. You may need to get a replacement.
August 2012