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Mend Fiesta Cars

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Mend Fiesta Counter Help Going

i have fiesta , and i have rev counter goes round when i start it?

can anyone help, i have a 2000 plaqte fiesta, i have had problems with the rev counter going round when i start it, and also i have a clicking noise when i go to start me car, i have put another battery on, and its been ok for 2 months, now the same problem, could it be something draining the battery???
any suggestions

June 2012
Eather a drain or the altanator has falt,get a multy meater and test charging rate with enjin running should be 13.20 _14.00 volts,or a12 volt test light,disconect battry earth lead place the test light between the earth lead and earth post of battry it should not be lit,oh turn every thing off including ignition best open drivers window also,if is lit up bright just pull one fuse out and place it back if made no diffrence do the next one,also try disconecting altanater as this also could cause drain on battry

June 2012
Mend Vehicles, Cars
Find out how to mend Fiesta cars

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Find out how to mend Fiesta cars