potterton puma 80
GCN 47-590-10
does the boiler have an internal timer?
[electromechanical PUMAPROGM or electronic PUMAPROGE]
or does boiler have an external timer? [& room thermostat?]
the timer [& the room stat] can be tested from the terminal block on the boiler to check which component is faulty
[installation manual
page 14
section 1.10
fig 12]
if internal or external timer are faulty its possible to link out & bypass faulty component to give you CH on a temporary basis until new part fitted
if timer & roomstat have been eliminated as possible causes of CH failure we are now looking at internal components inside boiler
there are a number of LED lights on the boiler & PCB
depending on which LEDs are lit it is possible to deduce which component might be faulty
otherwise its a case of testing all the components involved in the ignition sequence to find the fault
not within your abilities
competant gas engineer reqd
April 2012