this model has a sealed base which is full of water due to a leak, this operates a float
switch that disables machine but brings pump on.this model does have an aquastop float
switch. it could have been activated by foaming. this is usully caused by cheap detergent
or by fairy liquid contamination. as it is a bench top model i'd suggest that you unplug
it and gently tilt it backwards on the draining board. you will probabably get a couple of
pints of water running out. once it stops give it a go. if there is no permanent cause
then you're up and running. however it may stop again so the the cause will have to be
found. if no water runs out then it may be due to the anti syphon valve which is fitted
internally in line of the drain hose. there is a modified part which replaces the older
version which was prone to air locks. the new part has a red nut and is part number
150957501/3. the older version has a white nut. these valves are found behind the side
October 2006