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Mend AEG Washing Machines

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Mend AEG Water Inlet Position Three

aeg lavamat 72620 water inlet cogs won't line up?

does anybody know the position the three cogs which control the water inlet should be in before the start of a program.
Two mesh, (yellow and white) and position dictated by spindle through yellow cog.
What is start position of orange cog?

j boyle
October 2006
I had the same problem whereby you could hear the gears clicking. First remove the orange gear. Further searching found how to reset the micro to default. While pushing both the prewash and soak together rotate clockwise the rotary knob to pump out and wait for all the lights to illuminate then rotate the rotary knob anticlockwise back to stop. The dispenser motor will then rest to the home. When finished replace the orange gear. It can only go on one way with the teeth facing the other gears. I also noticed the second tooth in on either end of the orange gear was missing. I couldn't find any broken teeth so I assume this is standard. Is your's the same.

John Korvemaa
January 2007
if its an electronic controlled distributor then you will need to replace the whole top end of the soap dtawer caled a water distributor!!

a e g engineer

david preston
October 2006
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