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Mend Ford Escort Cars

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Mend Ford Escort Work Normal


the headlights do not work on the normal setting, neither do the sidelights, but the full beam still works. I need to know which fuse to replace as i have no drivers manual.

October 2006
without knowing which fuse is which ! turn on the sidelights the lights that work, now remove each fuse in turn until you remove the fuse that makes the sidelights go off, now turn on the main lights that dont work, change each fuse in turn for the one you know works, you will find which one has failed when the lights work again.
Now refit the fuse for the sidelights and buy the correct Amp rating which failed, however why did the fuse blow, it is usualy that one of the bulbs has blown and whe this happens it can blow the fuse also, once you have replaced the fuse recheck the bulbs replace as required.
Hope this helps.......

October 2006
Mend Vehicles, Cars
Find out how to mend Ford Escort cars

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Find out how to mend Ford Escort cars