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Mend Zanussi Washing Machines

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Mend > Washing Machines

Mend Zanussi Filling Water

how do i fix zanussi washer?

in between washes my washer is filling up with water does anybody know why it does this?

October 2006
is it connected to the sink waste?? if so then water is syphoning into your machine!


dave preston
October 2006
Hi Yisath,
I presume the water is clean water.
Try turning off one of the water supplies to the machine, this way you maybe able to determine which valve is leaking water into the machine either hot or cold. Once you have determined which valve is leaking water into the machine, you can access the valve by removing the top and following the feed pipe either blue or red into the machine.
UNPLUG THE WASHER, remove the top ( 2 screws at rear) you can now follow the blue & red water feed pipes into the machine. There you will see the 2 solenoid valves one for each pipe hot & cold. These valves are normally energized during wash cycles to feed water into the washer I can only assume that one of the valves is leaking constantly.

Note! you will not be able to run the washer as the machine needs to see water pressure at both valves or it will not run, I think. Another check. Is the water in the machine hot or cold, obviously if its hot you know which valve is leaking but if it is over a long period this may not be easy to notice.
Changing the valve should not be difficult as it is right at the top of the machine.
The only downside is everything is made of plastic so its up to you if you wish to try and strip it down.

Note. Modern Zanussi machines have induction drive motors to turn the drum so dont touch the electronic board above the timer switch as you may discharge the capacitor and get a bit of a shock.
Again make sure the machine is unpluged before you do anything.
good luck

October 2006
Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
Click here to mend Zanussi washing machines

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Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
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