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Mend Toshiba Tv Model

TOSHIBA 40" CRT Rear projection TV model 40WH08B?

Toshiba 40" CRT Rear projection TV model 40WH08B?

Stand by light is still on, no sound or picture.

When switching on TV, no picture .....then it makes the clicking sound of it switching itself off again. Green light next to stand by light (timer) flashes Intermittently.

TV is now 5 years old & unsure if going though insurance or trying repair

October 2006

October 2006
Hi Iain
I am also having this problem and can only find reference relating to a protection circuit which switches the TV off to prevent any further damage being caused. There is a kit called 40WHREPKIT, don't know what it consists of or where to get one from or how much which would reset the fault but then its finding the root of the problem which caused this to happen in the first place. Another site had reference to resistor R821 and diode D802 and transistor but no reference to which one, would fix the symptoms!
Keep you updated if I work it all out, hope you'll do the same

October 2006
Mend Video, Televisions
Mend repair fix Toshiba televisions

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Mend repair fix Toshiba televisions