Recent: Countax site on mower C300h?

Mend Lawn Mowers

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Mend > Lawn Mowers

Mend Find Number Model

I want to find the numbers of my engine Briggs Stratton?

How I can find the number of part for my Briggs Stratton 1/c 8HP, Model 195432, Type 1035-10, Code 9402211A.
The number part that I want are: Conecting-Rod,Piston Ring kit, Gasket Set, Ball bearing, Cranshaft and Main bearing.

Alcino Renteria. E-mail
October 2006
You can download the Illistrated Parts List for your engine from Briggs at this link:

Copy and paste that whole thing into your address bar, then scroll down to where is says "View PDF"

October 2006
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