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Mend Lighting

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Mend > Lighting

Mend Ceiling Replace Bulb

How do I remove the glass/plastic dome of ceiling bathroom light?

Need to replace bulb but unable to remove dome/bowl. I think it's made of some plastic or acrylic material. Sorry, don't have any details of make or model. Does bowl twist off from ceiling fixture? There is a small slot in the side of the bowl. Thank you

November 2011
most twist quarter of a turn counter clockwise.some are fixed with a center nut disguised as a decorative screw off attachment .since you have described yours as having a slot for a flat headed screwdriver,I can only assume this is to release the shade from the housing,ensure power is switched off,insert flat screwdriver into the locator and using minimum pressure push the release tab in and try and twist or pull the shade.check otherside of the shade for a similar tab release slot.

mech monster
November 2011
Mend D.I.Y, Lighting
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Mend D.I.Y, Lighting
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