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Mend Rover Cars

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Mend Rover Car Wont Start

my car wont start?

when i try to stasrt my rover 214 i turn the ignition and it just makes a klicking sound could this be a starter motor prob or an imobilizer prob any answers

November 2011
More likely a dud battery, or a duff alternator.The clicking sound is because there is not enough battery power to start the engine, but enough to activate the starter solenoid,which is clicking. Although the lights, etc,. may light up, they take relatively a small amount of current compared with a starter motor. There may be a faulty or corroded battery terminal connection, or a slack drive belt, or even a dud starter motor !

November 2011
if ignition lights dim when you try to start the car, it could be the starter or the battery

November 2011
check the battery,or any earth connection to the body of car

November 2011
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