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ford focus seems to be starved of fuel?

help help i have a 2001 ford focus 1.6L its been spluttering for a while wich ive lived with but now its got so bad when you accelerate the enginge dies but does not cut out you will have to lift your foot off pedal and accelerate slowly till it picks up fine,it will be ok doing 50-60mph with a slight splutter,its only when you accelerate any help would be fantastic could it be fuel pump or crap in tank it did used to only play up when the fuel got bang on quater of tank of fuel until you put more fuel in it to take it to half tank then it would be fine but its got so its now doing it all the time many thanks for any help

October 2011
hi thanks to killerdanny and steve for your answers i have changed the fuel filter twice i forgot to put that but thanks again,i will see if i can get pressure of fuel pump checked

October 2011
hi,change fuel filter,it may be heavily clogged if it hasn't been changed recently ,its a good place to start if you are going to persue this yourself,easy to replace and costs around$12.00 if yours is mk1, if it does run alright for a while and problem occurs again I would drain and flush the fuel tank .hope this helps,.

October 2011
check fuel pump pressure

October 2011
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