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Mend Lighting

Mend D.I.Y, Lighting
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Mend D.I.Y, Lighting
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Mend > Lighting

Mend Glow Even Off

my bathroom striplights glow even when switched off..why ?

for years my 5ft bathroom striplights glow in the dark all night when switched off. I've traced the feed from a 5A fused switch coming off a 30A ring junction .1.5 mm cable takes it to a 5A fused junction box, finally splitting the feed by a 3 way junction to each light. Is the permanent live perhaps reversed somewhere ?
can anyone help ?

September 2006
Ensure the switch is breaking the Live wire and not the neutral.

October 2006
the strip light isnt an emergency is it if you knock the feed out to an em fittin it glows for a certain lenght of time ..sounds light you are may also be gettin summat thru either your switch wire or even ya neutral u need to test between live n neutral and live and earth and then neautral and earth both with power on and off .if you have any voltage switched of which obviously you have call a spark ..

September 2006
Mend D.I.Y, Lighting
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Mend D.I.Y, Lighting
Free repair help for lighting