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Mend Word Processors

Mend Software, Word Processors
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Mend > Word Processors

Mend Software, Word Processors

Conserning stand alone "word processors"?

The stand alone word processors sold in the late 70's and early 80's are NOT REAL word processors. They thrived on the "Word processor" buzz word and nothing else.
At most/best, they can be termed as "Text editor" similar to notepad and wordpad.

They are realy souped up electronic typewriters fitted with mostly uncompatible with anything else floppy drives trying to capitalise on the, then new, real, software based, computer word processors blundgeoning success.

Their making totaly stopped during the mid 80's, and ALL support ended during the 90's.
The web sites of the former makers no longer even acknowlege that those ever existed at all.

Any spare parts left are now collectors items and museums display stuff.
The making of inking ribons now only support the last legacy dot matrix printers.

Technicians and repairmen that serviced them are now retired or converted to some other business. IF they still have the needed tools and spare parts, their skills are mostly gone from total unuse.

July 2011
In think that Electro is not speaking from his/her strengths here. That is to say, he is making sweeping generalisations.

The early IBM Machines (the IBM Boeblingen Development Laboratory invented the the Word Processing) date from the 1960s. The first one being the IBM Magnetic Tape Selectric Typewriter - 1964.

By the time of Office System/6 (1977) and Displaywriter System (1980) the IBM Word Processors were very sophisticated machine indeed.

January 2013
I thought that word processor stands for puzzle maker word search like this one
but you say that it is similar to notepad and wordpad...

June 2012
Thanks for that info, you can get off your soap box now.

July 2011
Mend Software, Word Processors
Mend repair fix word processors

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