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Mend Ford In-Car Audio

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Mend Ford Locked Radio Cassette

my son has locked my ford radio 3000?

my son locked my trsnsit 3000 radio cassette i have the serial number how can i fix it serial number is m134660 help please

June 2011
code 1369
if its lock 10 email me.
Switch the radio on and the word CODE should appear in the display

Repeatedly press button 1 until the correct first digit of the code is displayed.
Repeatedly press button 2 until the correct second digit of the code is displayed.
Repeatedly press button 3 until the correct third digit of the code is displayed.
Repeatedly press button 4 until the correct fourth digit of the code is displayed.

Once the code has been correctly selected on the radio's display, press button 5 to enter.

then mail me at codehelp(at)

June 2011
Mend Audio, In-Car Audio
Click here to mend Ford in-car audio

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