First thing to do is make a list of the programms that start with windows. Chances are that most are not needed at all, possibly no longer usefull in any way.
Uninstall any of those you no longer need or use. In case of doubt, disable them. If you don't notice a lack of functionality, it's not used/needed and can be safely uninstalled.
Disable ANY and ALL application preloaders. They only bog down the startup process. Each can slow down the startup process by up to 30+ seconds.
Those MAY make some programms start somewhat faster (a few seconds), but only if you start those shortly after starting the system: Within about 15 to 20 minutes. After that time, those "accelerators" are pushed on the page file and no longer offer any benefit.
If you have broad band internet, get rid of gozilla, you no longer need it. It's only realy usefull if you have a slow dialup connection preventing you from completely downloading large files in one cession.
Do some cleanup. Empty the trash, flush your internet cache, delete as many temporary files as possible. The programm CCleaner is just great at that task, and it's free for personnal use.
More free space often make the system more responsive. it will also make defragmenting and virus scans faster as there will be less files to work on.
Next, defragment your drive(s). I recomend Defraggler from the makers of CCleaner. Contrary to the defragmenter included with windows, it will work if you have less than 15% free space on your drive... It will do it's job even if you are down to 1% free space. Also FREE for personnal use.
ATTENTION!! This can take several HOURS!
A highly fragmented disk WILL slowdown the computer and may cause erratic performances and even some crashes.
Once the cleanup and defragmenting is done, install a good antivirus like AVG or Avast (both available for free). After installation, both will want to perform a first full scan. Let it proceede.
This will ensure that you are virus free.
Any virus will steal your system resources, slow down your internet access and do many nefarious tasks. Some virus are not writen correctly and can cause system instability.
Install an anti-spyware/adware like Spybot Search & destroy and AddAware. Do a full scan.
This will ensure that you are free of some other malewares that are not classified as viral.
Those pests are hunting for ANY personal informations, passwords, banking informations and others.
Lock ups can also be caused by overheating. Dust tend to accumulate inside the computer ove time. It interfer with a good air circulation and also acts as a thermal isolent.
Open the computer's case and do some dusting. Of particuliar importance is the heat sink of the CPU. It must be free of dust. A can of compressed air is very good for that task.
Make sure that there is nothing interfering with the cooling fans.
Make sure that there is NOTHING left in the case!
Plug the computer and power it up. Make sure that all fans are working properly. If a fan don't work, replace it.
Close the computer's case.
You should dust off your computer every 6 to 12 months, depending on the dustyness of it's environment.
As for the browser, it's your call. You have some choices in that field (alphabetical order):
and a few others.
I don't recomend Safari. It will try to push several other applications you don't want nor need, and tend to do it stealthily.
You can try a few and go with the one you are the most comfortable with.
How many hard drives do you have?
Having 2 or 3 can help greatly. Place the programms on one drive, your data and user files on another. A benefit: If you need to reinstall Windows, all your files are safe, you no longer need to back up them all :)
June 2011