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Mend Ford KA Ka Switch

How can I fix my Ford KA light-switch stalk?

The stalk with the lights switch to the left of the steering wheel has suddenly become faulty. When I turn the lights on, the dash lights and rear lights fail to come on, unless I turn the switch REALLY hard (so much that it hurts my hand), and then they don't stay on anyway. They just turn off again every few seconds. When the lights are actually on, the stalk gets really hot, which never used to happen.
Have just forked out for a new clutch, so would really rather fix it myself if poss! Has this ever happened to anyone else? Would really appreciate any help you can give.

September 2006
Hi.....I failed to switch side and tail lights on. So before replacing the stalk check that the fuse is OK. Details are in the car book. Operate the switch on and off a number of times. Leave ignition off.
It may be there is an insulating film building up on the contacts. I now leave my lights on for a while when driving so that the current flowing through the contacts keeps them clean. My problem solved with no dismantling....hope this helps.

Stu M
August 2014
You can find a picture guide on how I find one here.

May 2013
Hi, I have just done one , it was easyjust six screws

remove the upper and lower steering column covers, undo the securing screw holding the switch to the column, it will come right away disconect the two plugs and replace,
don't forget to disconect the batt ( or the horn will sound continusly )and that there is a relay (a black square thing that plugs into the switch) for the indicators on the switch which you need to move over.

November 2008
This is happening to my wife's car. usually it will mean changing the entire switch cluster. all the wiring is just plug in and there are only five or six screws involved. But the dash and sidelights are on the same crcuit and this is why neither works.

Mike Hanson
November 2007
Sorry you need a new switch.

September 2006
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Mend repair fix Ford KA cars

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Mend repair fix Ford KA cars