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Mend Hotpoint Washing Machines

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Mend > Washing Machines

Mend Hotpoint Dryer Cold Hot

Hotpoint BWD12 washer dryer thermostat not right-can fix it?

Even when set on cold wash not taking in hot water but is heating water to high temp. Sometimes doesn't advance on programme, sometimes advances continuously but can be cleared at reset dot. Replaced dryer thermister but now has these new problems. Should we try to repair or junk it?

April 2011
We can test/repair the main module for you. Repair is £39.90+vat plus postage of £5+vat. If no fault found, then we just charge the postage of £5+vat. Send it with a note of your name/address/daytime tel no to EMW Electronics, The Barn, Millfield, Oxton, Notts, NG25 0TD. Our tel no is 0115 9652118 Website is Tony

April 2011
Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
Find out how to mend Hotpoint washing machines

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Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
Find out how to mend Hotpoint washing machines