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Mend Error Message Close

error message on desktop P.C?

My desktop, running XP, comes up with the following error message for every program I try to run.I can close the error box & everything runs as normal but it is annoying to have to do it all the time.
The error message is ' c:\windows\system32\dispex32.dll is not designed to run etc etc '
Anybody out there who can HELP?

April 2011
Make sure that you have a good antivirus installed. Have it update it's viral database.
Get a good anti spyware, install it and have it update itself.

As other sayd, reboot in safe mode.
Start your antivirus to do a full scan. Let it cure any inferction found.

Start your anti spyware. Do a full scan and let it correct any treat found.

DON'T do a system restore, as your check point(s) may also be infected.

MANY virus try very hard to inject themselves into past restore points in a bid to make it's removal as difficult as possible.

Some antivirus propositions (all are free and considered as prety good):
AVG Free at
Avira at
Microsoft Security Essential at

I don't recomend Norton. Not to good, very invasive (makes your computer crawl), and expensive.

April 2011
Boot the PC in Safe Mode, THEN run a system Restore.

April 2011
ok dennis , i have looked up this error, and it says its a virus", you need to run antivirus to try to get rid of it, googel dispex32 for more info on it,

April 2011
tried that. system restore will not work

April 2011
try doing a (systems restore) to get rid if it/or fix it, system restore puts your pc back in time to when your pc, was worknig as normal, it will not deleat any of your work"i use it when i have a do system restore click on START/ALL PROGRAMS/ACCESSORIES / SYSTEMS TOOLS,and then system restore, in the new window that comes up" click next" a calendar comes up, pick a date back in time when the error massage was not there, say 4 weeks ago,and click next.follow the insructions,from there, and it will do it for you, you can all ways put it back to todays date, the same way, i allways do system restore on my pc when it goes nuts, its a great tool for xp, good luck,,

April 2011
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