Fisher and Paykel Smart Drive Pride starts and stops?
Hi, I have a Fisher and Paykel Smart Drive Pride 9. It works for about 1 minute or less and then the power cuts out to the machine. I wait about 4 minutes and then it will start again, reset back to the start of the cycle. There are no warning lights or beeping, just complete loss of power. It happens mainly in the wash cycle. I seem to get nearly all the way through the rinse cycle, and the spin cycle is fine. I've tried different power points and I've also removed the pump and there wasn't a blockage that I could find/see. Any help would be much appreciated! And if its not something I can fix myself, any ideas how much it might cost to fix or if its worth fixing?! At the moment I can use it, just takes forever to finish my washing and I'm worried eventually it may just stop working completely...
THANKS in advance!!
April 2011