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Mend Ravenheat Pressure Vessel Boiler

how do i know how much pressure to put in the pressure vessel?

Hi once again the ongoing saga of my ravenheat csi 85
t boiler.
I had a leak coming from the pressure release valve, bled all the radiators, put pressure to one bar , and as suggested i found the pressure valve for the pressure vessel and managed to pump some air into the vessel. As i am not in possession of a pressure gauge i have had to guess how much.
Put the boiler on. pressure set to 1 bar heated till it got to 2 bar and stopped red light on.
Could I have put too much pressure into the expansion vessel?

March 2011
how do you turn pressure up on a ravenheat rsf820/20? it fired up then turned off now struggling to get it lit again could it be this or need a new part to get pilot to light?

July 2011
I had a similar problem with my ravenheat combi and found the air valve leaking on the pressure vessel ....... did you know that it is a schreader valve .. as in a car tyre valve !! took it to my quickfit garage who put me a new valve in sorted

dave s
April 2011
Hi managed to get a pressure gauge to test pressure vessel. unfortunately no reading put pump on vessel pumped up a few times still no reading, maybe the gauge is unable to read properly as it is very difficult to get to, should i have another go at pumping up the vessel for a longer period? I have put the boiler back on the pressure set to 1bar, within 9mins it was up to 2,2bar stopped for 4 mins pressure back to 2bar 10ml water from prv back on for 3mins up to 2.2bar off again , seems to be sitting constantly around 2bar with ch on

March 2011
Will try that and get back to you, many thanks

March 2011
i think the best thing you can do is buy or borrow a tyre pressure gauge and set the vessel pressure(0.5 bar) it's probably the excess pressure in the vessel thats creating problems elsewhere(if it is too high it is not letting the water expand which increases the pressure in the system this mimics a faulty pressure vessel)then either clean or replace prv if you want to know how let me know

March 2011
Hi again, as i am a real novice at this, i am now under the impression the expansion vessel is at fault, since the last message, the heating is set at 1/4 heat, if i push it to 1/2 heat , then i get the boiler up to 2.8 bar before cut off and some water leaking internally ,and dripping down the front of the boiler, i suspect if i take the case off it will be coming from the gasket under the fan again, would you suggest an expansion vessel.

March 2011
hello again hope i'm not telling my grandmother how to suck eggs but to start with the initial water pressure should be 1 bar if it goes up to 2.5 bar very quickly then there is a problem with the vessel or the pipe to it it is cutting off at 2.5 because that is the max working hydraulic pressure often once the prv has blown it will pass water early unless it is cleaned or replaced

March 2011
Hi Brian, I had an initial leak from the washer that is at the first pipe from the condensing heat exchanger to the fan. changed the washer and got some water leaking from under the fan area, I contacted Ravenheat and they said to check the condensate trap first for a blockage, did that no more leaking from the fan area but water was coming from the prv when boiler got up to 2.5 bar,approx i/2 cup within 1/2 hour It was suggested to check the expansion vessel , to see if it was taking up expansion.
Since my last question. I have taken out some air and put some more in, the boiler is working again, its going up to 2.5 bar then shutting off till pressure drops to 2.2bar then shutting of at 2.5 again.
Just checked and there is a small amount of water approx 10ml from prv

March 2011
i am not familiar with your previous problems why did you try to repressurise vessel and is the prv still leaking?

March 2011
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