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Mend Vauxhall Corsa In-Car Audio

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Mend Vauxhall Corsa Car 200 Radio

Grundig Car 200 - Vauxhall Corsa?

I read an exact same question on here about a Grundig CAR 200 radio being stuck in SAFE mode and tried the answer but it didn't work? I held down the AS and turned on the ignition waiting for the beep from the radio but nothing! This is so frustrating!! Shortly after I got my car the battery was disconnected and I had to put in my code which was fine. This time the fuse was taken out and it's gone into SAFE mode and I'm not able to put my code in? Can anyone help? Much appreciated.

August 2006
Need a code for radio t reg please help

March 2014
Turn radio off
Start engine
Press and hold down AS button
Turn radio WHILE holding down the AS button until there is a loud beep
Dial the code using the 1, 2, 3, 4 keys (eg: 1234 would be 1 once, 2 twice, 3 three times and 4 four times)
Press and hold AS button for approx 5 seconds

funcionou direitinho

November 2011
Obridada funcionou direitinho

November 2011
Oh my goodness thankyou SO MUCH that worked perfectly! I have a radio - after 1 year of driving around in silence! Thankyou!

Vauxhaull Astra Owner
October 2008
code is 1734 radio dated 09/95

April 2008
code for radio grundig No: 90 462 562, Type: CAR 200 (D),

January 2008
code for radio grundig No: 90 462 562, Type: CAR 200 (D),

January 2008
John....It means theres a fault. Read your manual to find out what it is. I had this problem too once. It's quite common...thats why i bought a vw golf in the end!

October 2007
i have a vauxhall corsa 1.2 16v easy tronic. It wont start and shows a F in the in the gear screen. Can anyone help please

October 2007
try the code 9265

October 2006
Found it!

Turn radio off
Start engine
Press and hold down AS button
Turn radio WHILE holding down the AS button until there is a loud beep
Dial the code using the 1, 2, 3, 4 keys (eg: 1234 would be 1 once, 2 twice, 3 three times and 4 four times)
Press and hold AS button for approx 5 seconds

August 2006
Mend Audio, In-Car Audio
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