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Mend Sharp DTT Receivers

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Mend > DTT Receivers

Mend Sharp Message Drive Failed

Sharp TU-R252H problems?

Our Sharp TU-R252H keeps coming up with the message hard drive initialisation failed, recording and playback functions are disabled. I have read all these comments about power cables, but in my ignorgance do not understand how/where I would connect one of these. HELP!

February 2011
machine tapes all same episodes on multi channels
not just the one at the time set .

geordie jack
September 2015
Ive had 2 of these machines. 1st failed in 4 months, Retailer fobbed me off to Sharps helpline. Sharpes (NOT the retailer) replaced it.(Warranty) Now 13months down the line THATS what mine came up with. Retailer tried to wash his hands of it as did Sharps referring me to Salesof Goods act 1979(ie Go back to where you bought it and complain to them. Retailer tried to fob me off with "Sharps replaced it last time their prob" Retailer NOW looking at it. Engineer says needs software update.......NOPE !Hard drive DEAD! New one reqd he says £100 to fix....! seeing as ive had two in 18months and £160.00 paid for in first place NOT A HAPPY BUNNY. Contacting Consumerdirect for help. so take back to your retailer with receipt(CC bill, Tesco points card, bank statement, Chq stub) and quote SoG act 1979. GOODLUCK

October 2011
Mend Video, DTT Receivers
Click here to mend Sharp dtt receivers

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Mend Video, DTT Receivers
Click here to mend Sharp dtt receivers