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Mend IItronics MP3 Players

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Mend > MP3 Players

Mend IItronics Iitronics Mp3 Player

iitronics IMP-65 1GB MP3 Player memory?

Ive have recently purchased the above mp3 player and experiencing difficulty in uploading music files. it will only allow me to upload approx 477mb worth of music.
The Player information states that the machine has a memory of 1024mb but when no music files are on it only states that 477mb of space is available..........why
If i buy a 1GB Player i would expect at least approx 950mb space for music file........can anyone please help........please email to

August 2006
I have just got one of these devices and I seem to have the full memory when looking through Explorer. When I disconnect the device however none of the uploaded files are detected.

I think the only answer for these MP3 is to take them back and get a different make. Reading other articles on the net leads me to believe they are riddled with problems.

Andy McDonald
September 2006
Mend Audio, MP3 Players
Mend repair fix IItronics mp3 players

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Mend Audio, MP3 Players
Mend repair fix IItronics mp3 players