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Mend BMW Just Hose Please Help

cracked engine or just a split hose ??? please help?

ive been told by a small town garage that my engine is cracked, ive looked in to this and i dont have any of the following signs..... no white thick smoke coming out when running, starts 1st time, no white creamy gunk in with the oil, no funny ticking noises, but what i have found is when i relise the pressure from the raditor cap i have a leak coming from the lower hose, causing the water and anti freeze to leak on to the road........could this be the problem ? my cars a 96 (p reg) petrol 1.8 bmw, please help a lady who knows nothing about cars but loves her car and want to keep her

January 2011
I think you may have answered your own question by the fact that there is water leaking from a bottom hose.

ARE you sure that the water is not comming from a small rubber pipe that fits on to the expansion tank.
Assuming that the water is not running down the block fro a higher point and appearing to come from the hose.

Iwould suggest that you take the car to another garage and get them to do some pressure checks on the cooling system. This should confirm if the leak is from a split hose.

Get the hose replaced and pressure check system again.

January 2011
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