Potterton Netaheat Profile
central heating fine, boiler seems to be heating the water ok to the storage tank, pump working, valve working (opening & closing from heating to hot water position)& pipes in & out of the tank are very hot on the boiler side, run hot water tap, temp increases to warm as water is brought from tank then goes to cold all in about 30 seconds
The pipework from the boiler to the HWS cylinder is called the primary heating circuit, it supplies primary water from the boiler to the heating coil inside the HWS cylinder thereby heating the clean water inside the cylinder.(the secondary HWS circuit) the primary pipe that enters the cylinder at the top side should have a bleed screw to remove any air from the circuit. Vary carefully crack the screw open to remove the air, as soon as water appears then turn the screw to the shut position. There should be quite a difference in temperatures between the top primary pipe and the bottom primary pipe indicating there is a good transfer of heat from the primary to the secondary circuit. Check the position of the Cylinder stat, it should be approximately one third up from the bottom of the HWS cilinder.
May 2005
sound like there could be a scale build up in the pipe work which connects the f&e tank to the system asumeing you dnt hav a pressurised system mor info wud be gud if you still havent sorted it yet mail me a foto of the system if poss and i will help coxheadj@aol.com