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Mend Ford Galaxy Cars

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Mend Ford Galaxy Petrol

Ford galaxy 2003 2.3 ghia petrol?

Hi have just come back from a long run and can smell burnining from the engine. Ive looked at the engine and noticed smoke coming from the alternator, also ive noticed the instruments lights dulling, is this a call for a replacement altenator and if so do i change the fan belt at the same time? I noticed a squealing noise for about a second when i start up the car up and then it goes away. Could this mean that the altenator was on its way out? all answers will be gratefully recieved thanks

November 2010
check near the battery where you will find a black fuse box with alternator wiring etc coming from it.pop the lid and check for melted contacts/wiring in there.Alternator wire from fusebox to alternator have been known to overheat and cause cars to set fire!

November 2010
it's possible altenator has jammed, take the belt off, and see if you can turn it by hand if you can't then replacement needed, would replace belt as well. if you can turn the altenator, then it's the belt was loose, either way replace belt.

hope it helps
November 2010
Mend Vehicles, Cars
Find out how to mend Ford Galaxy cars

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Mend Vehicles, Cars
Find out how to mend Ford Galaxy cars