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Mend Hair Straighteners

Mend Bathroom Appliances, Hair Straighteners
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Mend Bathroom Appliances, Hair Straighteners
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Mend > Hair Straighteners

Mend Open Replace Power Cord

How will i open my ghd's? as i need to open them up to replace the cable?

what do i do to open up ghd's? i need to replace the power cord as it went on fire and cant get the screw loose on the hinge! it seems very tight.

donna mclellan
July 2006
Hi did you ever find a cable for your GHD's?

October 2006
hi there i can modify the lead for you for about £20 you can send them to me il fix them then post em back ..for more info contact me on dont forget to add a return address

September 2006
remove two circular covers from sides of hinge assembly
unscrew exposed crosshead screws using two crossehead screwdrivers and a lot ot force small one unscrews then
undo further two screws exposed and then pull rubber band off and plastic casing splits and pull out sealed mains cable and let me know if you can find somewhere to buy a new cable
September 2006
Mend Bathroom Appliances, Hair Straighteners
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Mend Bathroom Appliances, Hair Straighteners
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