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Mend Hotpoint Freezers

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Mend > Freezers

Mend Hotpoint Water Kitchen Floor

where could my hotpoint RFA51P fridge freezer be leaking from?

My Hotpoint RFA51P fridge freezer seems to be leaking. It has only happened twice but last weekend and now this weekend there is water all over the kitchen floor. I am guessing its coming from this appliance by a process of elimination and the fact that for the last 6 months or so the fridge has periodically had water in the bottom which hasnt drained into the drain hole and Ive had to mop it out. Ive checked the drain hole and dont know if its blocked cant see anything. But now its leeked on the floor there is no water in bottom of fridge. Is there a tank that needs emptying? If it is the fridge how do I stop it?

Jackie K
October 2010
Mend Kitchen Appliances, Freezers
Find out how to mend Hotpoint freezers

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Mend Kitchen Appliances, Freezers
Find out how to mend Hotpoint freezers