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Mend Gilera DNA Motorcycles

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Mend repair fix Gilera DNA motorcycles

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Mend Gilera DNA

gilera dna electric star broken??

well my gilera dna started perfect both electric and kick start then after storing it away in my dads garage well i went on holiday for 3 weeks i came back and only the kick start now works, my dad said he had trouble starting it but i didnt understand why as i never had. anyways i have charged the battery and cleaned the spark plug and still no joy everytime i try starting it i here a click and i have located where this is coming from its a little yellow square thing with a few cables going into it,other then the click nothing else happens. can any1 help me plz of what to try and where to look on my bike thatnks

October 2010
ok thats an easy one for me,the one click you can hear is the starter relay points contacting inside the yellow box(four wires to it )2 big 2 small.the two big ones are one from the battery and the other to the starter motor the 2 small ones are an earth and a live triggered by the start basically the realy is working ok and joining the two big wires together inside whcih should send the power straight down to the starter motor which is under the bike near the the problem is either the live wire coming from the relay(yellow box) to the starter motor is either broken or has a bad connection one one of the ends (usually the starter motor end) or the starter motor is funked.try tapping the starter motor while the start button is being pressed.

adam bike doctor(of milton keynes motorcycle centre)
October 2010
Mend Vehicles, Motorcycles
Mend repair fix Gilera DNA motorcycles

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Mend Vehicles, Motorcycles
Mend repair fix Gilera DNA motorcycles