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Mend Peugeot Motorcycles

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Mend Peugeot Power Bought Bike

peugeot Elystar lack in power?

i bought this bike after ait was sat in a yard for over a year covered up and no keys. its a 53 plate 125cc carb not injection, Engine runs fine on tick over but when riding it seems to hold back, lack power and can't get more than 40mph out of it? i've replaed CDI and key unit,spark plug,petrol and air cleaner. aslo striped and cleaned carb and checks valve clearances on tapets. when riding it the red light for imobilizer is very faintly on and the more power i give it the brighter the light becomes. i only notice the light because i was working on it as the day light started to fade. it doesn't smoke or anything and i'm now lost as what to try next???

October 2010
all fixed now the problem was to much oil in the engine. I gave it an oil and filter change 2.5 ltrs came out i put the 1 ltr in it should have now its fine. just thought i'd add this because it may help someone else out

April 2011
removed exhaust and rode it but it made no differance to power???????????????????????????? this is really doing my head in now

October 2010
blocked exhaust

k gillespie
October 2010
Mend Vehicles, Motorcycles
Mend repair fix Peugeot motorcycles

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Mend Vehicles, Motorcycles
Mend repair fix Peugeot motorcycles