Hi, Just fitted a refurbed pcb and worked fine. This lasted about a week on water only but now gone back to square one with the 1 amp quick blow fuse blowing before it fires up. The pump runs first before the fuse blows but then before the ignition kicks in it goes. Any ideas ?
Carefree. Thanks. Found the fan was not working. Replaced it the system worked ok for about 4 hours then stopped. The fan and pump are running ok but when it clicks it wont ignite. Any ideas?
October 2010
If the pump stays running (it should as it's not controlled by the boiler), most likely outcome would be the fan.
As stated quite a few times, be very careful about messing with neataheat combustion chambers, they can be fatal unless you seal (and can test that) correctly.
Get a RGI to do the job, could save a lot of hassle.