If you have the "END" message in the display, there is nothing that you can do yourself to put the radio back into operation. An invalid code has been entered too many times.
The system allows up to 14 errors. The number of errors is shown in the display after each error (e.g. "14 ERROR").
After the 14th error (the display shows "14 ERROR"), you have the last chance to enter the correct code. If you make one more error, the radio will lock itself up (the display shows "END").
So now you will have to take your radio to a decoding specialist or buy a new radio.
There is only thing you can do is to test if the radio is not broken. Press the band switch at the same time as putting the power on. This will activate the radio but irritating beeps will be heard from the speakers. This is to avoid using this test feature by thieves.
December 2012