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Mend Ford Focus Cutting Out Problem

Ford Focus TDCI Cutting out problem?

Hi All, Am in some desperate need for help... have had my focus 1.8 TDCI Sport 53 plate for 2 weeks. And its cut out on me a few times, usually when on dual carriageways or whilst going up a hill. The Glow plug light will come on and i will lose all power.

Now ive read a few comments regarding this and someone suggested a cam shaft sensor. Have had this changed and the same thing has happened.
The diagnostic machine also shows up code 0251 Which apparently is Fuel Pump/ECU. Ive been told a fuel pump could cost me 4 figures to fix, but none of the garrages will take it on as they feel it could be a sensor also..... anyone got any ideas or previous experience? or where i could take it to get a more definate answer as to what is could be?
Many Thanks for your time

August 2010
check wiring on injection pump and ECM

August 2010
it might be worth going to a good scrappy for pump/ecu, just check part numbers the same, would be a lot cheaper than new parts, if you think you can do job yourself then get a haynes manual to take you though the steps.

hope it helps
August 2010
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