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Mend Battery Alarm Bell Box

battery in alarm bell box?

hi i have a plain white standard bell box with blue strobe and red LED blinking light
the problem is the LED has stopped blinking so i've come to the conclusion that the bell box battery is dead.
if so i'd like to replace it but not sure how

August 2010
connect the sounder to the a twelve volt supply observe the polarity,this will see if sounder ok,with what you say there is no is no s.a.b in bell box,so you have a very vurnerable system,

August 2010
i've just opened up the bell box for first time
very basic just a horn and wiring to strobe and led no battery and no tamper springs which i found odd
wiring seems ok. so i'll have get hold of some testers
thanks anyway

August 2010
All depends how its wired but sounds like a wiring problem.
You have no testers, so how do you expect to trace the problem.

August 2010
not got a voltage tester but i've just performed full test and strobe is working but siren and led is'nt all fuses are fine main battery less than 12 month old everything was fine when i changed the battery
any ideas

August 2010
If the power has been lost to the sounder, then there should be a tamper on the panel and the sounder SAB module should be ringing.

So you have more than one problem!

August 2010
thanks will check that

August 2010
the led is not fed from the battery,check that you have 12 volts going to the bell box,

August 2010
Mend Security Systems, Home Alarm Systems
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