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Mend Transit Vans

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Mend > Vans

Mend Transit 2002 Fault Working

how can i fix my transit 2002 ?

I had an intermitant fault with my electrics,my wipers,heater,brake lights,fuel and heater gauge stoped working. Also i have no lights come on when i turn the ignition on, Now it has become permanant, It starts and drives fine i just need help to find out could be causing it.I have looked at all fuses and relays,looked for any bad connections but cant seem to find anything anywhere.Please help.

August 2010
Thanks will have a look and let you know.

August 2010
had a transit with horn,lights,wipers,washers out,same year as yours,the main loom in engine compartment at n/s bulkhead was rubbed through and full of water and corrosion,had a word with friend at local main dealer and he said this was a common place for faults and also where looms travel at bottom of headlights was another problem area,not saying this is your diagnosis but worth a look anyway,good luck

August 2010
Mend Vehicles, Vans
Mend repair fix Transit vans

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Mend Vehicles, Vans
Mend repair fix Transit vans