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Mend Hotpoint Washing Machines

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Mend Hotpoint Empty Clean Time

Fabric softener drawer of Hotpoint BWM129 won't empty?

Hi there -

As far as I can see, there is no way of removing the drawer of my Hotpoint BWM129 to clean it.

Over time the fabric softener compartment has become pretty gunky - I've tried my best to clean it with a toothbrush but it's not perfect - and now it has filled up with water and won't drain.

Without taking the drawer out, I can't see how I can get behind it to check the tubes. I have run a Maximum temperature wash and put some bleach down there but that hasn't worked.

Any ideas?

August 2010
It worked! It worked! Thank you so much!

August 2010
pull the drawer out fully unclips at right hand side, depress dimple on top of fab soft compartment and pull the drawer straight out. It will slide along the flap and come right out

wash doc
August 2010
Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
Free repair help for Hotpoint washing machines

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Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
Free repair help for Hotpoint washing machines