Dear Tony Dunn, If you look for they may advise you of the cost of replacement cells for this type of battery. Performance Power Pro (B & Q) own make went extinct and alot of purchasers are having problems trying to find such batteries. I might as well photograph these batteries and include them in the Museum of fine antiquities as they are rarer than the DODO . I've got problems trying to find such batteries and if you contact REBATT they maybe able to help you. Personally, I think it's disqusting that purchaser are having to sell their kit at car boot sales for less than what they paid for them. Considering we live in an "environmentally friendly society. You might be lucky to find one battery if your lucky at some B & Q stores but either way, these batteries are becoming very extinct and if B & Q carry on, they'll be the same too. I own P.P.P. and I too am finding it hard to obtain replacement batteries. Failing that try too they may be able to advise you of where you can purchase batteries if they don't stock them.
Anthony Tovey
September 2010