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Mend Rover 45 Cars

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Mend Rover 45 Replace

how do i replace water pump on rover 45 1.8 ixs?

there is water coming form bottom of the water pump is this easy to replace

July 2010
need to be very skilled as engine needs to be timed up to remove cam belt to access water pump if not could result in mager engine damage

July 2010
depends on how good you are with a spanner!!
last one i did was on a 416si i had to remove the engine mount which was a task in itself would of been easy if i was double jointed at the finger tips!! cambelt off and thent was just a case of clearance to get in at it all in all took me a few hours with hand tools and no power tools but im a mechanic by trade good luck =)

July 2010
Mend Vehicles, Cars
Free repair help for Rover 45 cars

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Free repair help for Rover 45 cars