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Mend Computers, Desktop PCs

Multi med product problem downloading?

I am blocked in my final stages of my web site design.
I have two product ranges one a multimedia CD (300Mb) and the other an e-book language teaching program (60Mb). I cannot find out how to download my files to the customer when the payment has been made and cleared. All the work has been done it is only this last hurdle that is stumping me.
Has anybody got any ideas. It is driving me mad. Perhaps it cannot be done at all???

Most sincerely

Bill Pawley

Bill Pawley
June 2006
Hi Bill,

goto :- and download their program called

Fileshare pro ..

This enables you to give out your computer ip address and one port number which opens only after a given password is selected..create a web page that links to your site..then once theyve paid give them the password ..once the file has been downloaded remove their ability to access your machine..

ps no i dont have shares in it lol

hope this helps

June 2006
Have you put a question on the Software section of this service? It has all sorts of sections: e.g. Application Development, Web Servers, Web Site Design, etc. In the same way as I never look there I don't suppose people who may be able to help look in this section: Desktop Computers.

June 2006
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