Ravenheat boiler CSI 85 - how to turn off the hot water supply to it?
How do I turn off the hot water supply in the house without intefering with thhe boiler to renew a connection under the sink when I have a ravenheat boiler.
Do I not have to turn off the switch on the boiler at all?
May 2010
Your hot water supply from the boiler is feed direct from the mains, simply turn of your mains stop tap
May 2010
You should have a hot water storage tank - it gets its cold water supply at the very bottom - comes from the loft tank - in the pipe run there will very probably be a stop tap - turn it to the off position and run off some warm water - it should stop running in a few seconds. If the cold water can't get into the storage tank then the water inside will not be able to get out.
May 2010
I can answer this question...
Ravenheat boiler CSI 85 - how to turn off the hot water supply to it?