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Mend Epson Scanners

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Mend Epson Worked Perfectly

My epson Perfection P2480 Photo scanner will not scan photos?

My P2480 has always worked perfectly until a few weeks ago. I decided to scan all my old slides and photographs and put on my HD. To make things easier I moved the scanner from my PC desk lower shelf and placed it on a nearby table. Then, and now, when I try to scan photos or slides I get a scan of everything (i.e. includind the black slide holder)I opened the lid up (having tried Epson support, unfortunately to no avail) and the lid lght was working, although I cannot guarantee it works all the time. The main scanner is still working perfectly. In desparation I bought a new Epson Perfection V300 Photo but I do miss the Smart Panel which came with the P2480 - it is a much simpler operation. Can you help, please? I would dearly love to be able to use the P2480 fully again. Thank you in anticipation. P. S. I can't remember if I turned it upside down without locking it! I realised afterwards that it should always be locked if one is going to move it.

May 2010
Mend Computers, Scanners
Find out how to mend Epson scanners

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Mend Computers, Scanners
Find out how to mend Epson scanners