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Mend Eureka Vacuum Cleaners

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Mend > Vacuum Cleaners

Mend Eureka Replace Belt

how to replace belt for eureka "the boss smartvac"?

need to replace belt on my vaccum :eureka the boss smartvac
can you to replace belt..thank you...model 4870...type d-2

paul aguilar
May 2006
what size belt should i purchase for my eurela the boss vacuum with hepa filter

February 2012
I need to change the belt on my eurka powerline vacuum model number 9410. Can you help me?

January 2012
Buy belts online at Amazon - no shipping cost at several of the retailers.

Jesse N
April 2011
I had to laugh -- I googled every source to make sure I was proceeding correctly. Finally felt secure enough to grab my Phillips screwdriver and turn the vac upside down. And there on the bottom of the brush plate was a BRIGHT YELLOW sticker with step by step directions. Absolutely no problem following them. Hope this helps =)

Norma Jean
July 2010
Yes, do NOT remove the small silver wheel, as we did. Now I am trying to get it back on! The shaft to put the belt around is at the end of the narrow side cavity. Simply slip the belt around that. I guess that the belt just rests against the small silver wheel.

WishI'dReadThis Sooner!
June 2009
Page 24-26 of the manual details the process to change the below

vacuum woman
July 2008
I am not sure if this is right but it seemed to work for me. I can here looking for the same answer and when I didn't find it I tryed what looked right.

First find a replacement belt. This is the hard part. You can buy them from Eureka online but have to pay shipping. I found one at Wal-Mart, but I think someone miss ordered and meant to get type RD.

Unplug the Vacuum (duh). Unscrew the three phillips screws that hold the black guard in place. Remove the old belt and beater bar. There is a silver wheel close to the beater bar. My question was does the belt have to go around it and if so how. The answer is it does not (I think).

At the back of the unit is a small steel shaft. The belt must go around this and around the beater bar. With the belt around both replace the beater bar. Replace the black guard, first snaping it in place, then putting in the screws.

Happy cleaning.

July 2006
Mend Household Appliances, Vacuum Cleaners
Mend repair fix Eureka vacuum cleaners

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