Recent: Countax site on mower C300h?

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Mend Idle Speed Engine Runs

how do i adjust idle speed on champion ch4q20ramower?

engine runs too fast but i cant find any adjusting screws.

larry hill
April 2010
Assuming a Briggs & Stratton 'Classic' type engine (most common) ....

Thanks to emmission regs and cost-cutting exercises, the carburettors on Briggs engines haven't had any adjustments whatever for some time.

If there are 2 govenor springs under the air filter, then the engine has a governed idle, and you're stuck with it as it is. There's no point in messing with the idle spring tension - the carb has no idle circuit, and so below a certain RPM it will simply not run.

You CAN adjust the high speed RPM by bending the main spring anchor point - but you need a tachometer to do this (or an experianced ear!). Regardless, the differance between MIN and MAX will only be about 800 RPM.


Phil Saunders
April 2010
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