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Mend Citroen Aerial Part 2

Transponder Aerial - Saxo Part 2?


The problem I have is the immobileser light on my saxo has been flashing meaning the car won't start until the light goes out. I normally just have to take the key out of the ignition and put it back in and it evenually works. I've heard its a common fault on Citroens so I ordered a transponder aerial which is meant to solve the problem.

I've fitted the new aerial and it hasn't made a difference, does anyone know what else to try as I know if I take it back to Citroen I'll get stung in the pocket which I really want to aviod not that I can take it anywhere as the light permantly flickers now :-(

All and any advice would be great as I'm stumped and dreading a huge bill right now to fix a car that I want to sell in the next couple of months.

April 2010
I brought the aerial brand new from Citroen but it hasn't made any difference. I've even tried just using the key instead of the remote to unlock the car etc to see if that might work but it didn't.

Any other advice as I think its looking as though I'll have to get it towed to Citroen to run tests on it which will cost £45 and god knows how much more when they've looked into it assuming they find a fault???

April 2010
very common problem with saxos.
I'm guessing the aerial you have replaced is the one attached to the steering column? i know it sounds daft but some folk would think the roof aerial is the receiver lol
Where did u buy the transponder hand?
previous experience....take key & slide it along outer casing underneath steering column as really thats the only thing i've had to do with previous saxo's.
hope it helps....

Scott, Fife
April 2010
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