like m says no mate it needs that there and the other side too,this basically keeps the pre compressed fuel air mixture from escaping,as the piston comes down the barrel/bore it compresses this air mix and then when the 3 transfer ports in the barrel are exposed as the piston clears them it blows the new gases up and forces the old burnt air out through the exhaust port while simultaneosly re charging the combustion chamber with a new fresh combustible in a word no seal no new gas or disposel of the old stuff.thismis also the same for the reed valves and its petals it does the same thing of it breaks.dont worrie miggie its an easy fix mjust fan cover off thn fan then magneto then stator assy and pop a new one in.keep it square mate or it will ruin the new one and us a bit of grease on it too to help it in there its a tight fit.
adam bike doctor
April 2010