Accenta G4 LCD Keypad?
I had the Accenta G4 fitted with LCD keypad, although this keypad is meant to be the better one between this and the LED im finding it doesn’t do what i want and wondered if its a problem or just the way this keypad is. When setting the system whilst leaving the premises, if the entry/exit is open it does the same tone as if anything else was left open, i.e if id left the back window open, id just think the rapid tone from the keypad was due to me having the entry/exit open, unlike the LED keypad which shows you straight away with the zone lights, this can only show you via the screen and wont show more than one zone open at a time. Also - the alarm sounded the other night and when i came down to switch the system off, the minute i entered the code the triggered zone went off the screen and disappeared even before RESET was pressed, i know the LED type would keep that particular zone lit unitl RESET has been entered. Does this all sound like a problem or is it basically just the was the LCD keypad is?
April 2010